
A. The Alphabet

letter read
A,a last
B,b be
C,c wits
ch church
D,d do
E make
e get
F,f fly
G,g gun
gh join
H,h half
ch loch
I,i marine
J,j yoke
jh azure
K,y key
L,l line
M,m make
N,n now
O not
o note
P,p pair
R,r rare
S,s see
sh show
T,t tea
U bull
u too
u mount
V,v very
Z,z zeal

B. Parts of Speech

part alter
a,an,the la
of de
by de
to al
with kun
for por
more pli-
most plij
than ol
I mi
you vi
he li
she shi
it ghi
self si
we ni
they ili
one oni
to be est
over,at,for je
cardinal number alter
one unu
two du
three thi
four kvar
five kvin
six ses
seven sep
eight ok
nine nau
ten dek
hundred cent
thousand mil
part usage
n me: mi'n
m sometime: iam. what time: kiam, that time: kiam, always: chiam, never: neniam
o father: patr'o
on father: patr'o'n (objective)
j fathers: patro'j
jn fathers: patro'j'n (objective)
a first: unu'a, second: du'a, my,mine: mi'a
obl threefold: tri'obl'a
on a half: du'on'o, a quarter: kvar'on'o
op four togethor: kvar'op'e
po five apiece: po kvin
e firstly: unu'e
e sing: bon'e
as I do: mi far'as
is he did: li far'is
os they will do: ili far'os
us she may do: shi far'us
u let us do: ni far'u
i to do: far'i
ant he who is doing: far'ant'a, doing: far'ant'e
int he who has done: far'int'a, having done: far'int'e
ont he who will do: far'ont'a, about to do: far'ont'e
at being done: far'at'e
it that which has been done: far'it'a, having been done: far'it'e
ot that which will be done: far'ot'a, about to be done: far'ot'e


See Dr. Esperanto's International - English Vocabulary at Wikisouce

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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